Bash Dababneh's profilenota studio's profile


Through a symphony of vivid narratives, striking visuals, and heartfelt reflections, this project chronicles the intrepid voyage of two souls who relinquished the conventional constraints of stationary life to embrace a nomadic existence​​​​​​​.

With each step they take, they not only traverse diverse landscapes but also explore the depths of their own souls, unraveling the profound connections between people, places, and the boundless horizons that await beyond comfort zones.

Join us in exploring a saga of freedom, self-discovery, and the extraordinary tapestry of experiences woven by the nomad couple, as they navigate the world's wonders while discovering the infinite possibilities of life on the move.

Simply the logo concept is merging the couple's symbols in a photo layout with a minimalist touch.




This project was created for a couple who wanted to explore the world in their own way and they called themselves the Nomad Couple.
